
I-go Crazy!

So recently Peter and I joined the I-Go Car Sharing program. For $15 a month we get three free hours and each additional hour is approximately $8.50. This includes gas and insurance! There are three cars just down the street from us, and we've taken out the Prius the last two times. It is so nice, as we've been able to do our grocery shopping at several places at once, including my favorite, Trader Joe's. This is a big deal since it has been a year since our closest grocery store and the fruit market both closed, and we've been trucking it a half mile to the Jewel in the snow, sleet, rain... you get the idea. Plus we've been able to do other things, like finally go to the tailor and get all my pants and Peter's shirts done. Peter's going to take one of these cars to my concert next week, and we may even make an Ikea run soon.

The down side is this: I get super cranky when we're running errands with the I-Go car. Why? Well, you book it for a certain timeframe ahead of time, and so you are limited to the time you reserved. This becomes problematic when traffic is bad, or, in my case, when you have no idea how long a given errand is going to take. As a result, Peter and I have become super-shoppers, running like bats out of hell around the various grocery stores trying to fit in as much as possible in our alloted time. We've actually made a Trader Joe's run from the apartment and back in less than 20 minutes. Including shopping time. We're most efficient when we go to Stanley's, this amazing fruit market that sells super cheap produce. How cheap, you ask? Well, I recently got a case, that's right an entire CASE of strawberries for the low, low price of $.98. Anyway, on Saturday we were at Stanley's doing our crazy go-go-go shopping when the Top Gun theme song "Highway to the Danger Zone" came on the loud speakers. It was fitting, and I used it to keep me motivated as I counted out the number of lemons we needed for homemade lemonade from our most recent Everyday Food magazine (the best recipe magazine ever). By the way, that recipe right there? Great with some pureed strawberries :)

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