
The Cubbies

Originally uploaded by ballparkjebusites
We went to the Cubs game last night against Milwaukee. It was my first Cubs game and I had a great time, even though we lost. The place was packed. When I originally bought the tickets Peter was a bit disappointed in the matchup, but now, since the Cubs have been going back and forth with Milwaukee for the lead in the division, it was a highly-energized game. The stadium was packed even though the weather was threatening and cool. We ate hot dogs with grilled onions "dragged through the garden" as they say here in Chi-town. Chicago definitely does have the best hot dogs.

We left after the 8th inning, as it was getting late and I had to get up so early this morning (note the post time - hee, hee). Cubs were down 6-1. All in all, a good time.

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